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Latest issue Hospital Healthcare Europe 2016


Hospitals in Europe – healthcare data

Data from the Health for All Database provides the most up‑to‑date picture of the status of European hospital healthcare

HOPE turns 50!

HOPE celebrates today its 50th anniversary as well as its 35th HOPE Exchange programme

EU mechanisms: how health policy gets made

The European Member States delegate some of their decision-making powers to shared institutions they have created, with a real impact on hospitals and healthcare services

Out-of-pocket payments in EU healthcare systems

This article aims to understand to what extent healthcare systems in European countries are financed by out-of-pocket payments by investigating what information is available

Medical tourism: a HOPE report

There is a growing popularity for medical tourism. There is, however, no general agreement on a standard definition of this business, which is characterised by speculation-based data collection

Representing public and private hospitals

HOPE is actively involved in exchanging good practices and sharing information, as well as in contributing to the work of the European Union


Improving screening of newborns for CCHD

Generalised pulse oximetry screening for all newborn babies provides a significant advance in the detection of immediately life-threatening congenital heart malformations

TAVI: value for the patient and the hospital

The number of TAVI procedures is increasing rapidly with excellent results. Innovation and increased experience are set to further improve patient’s outcomes, as well as hospital efficiencies for this procedure

Remote monitoring and the future of patient care

Remote monitoring of cardiac device patients has been proven to benefit patients and reduce the overall cost of care; now health insurers and national healthcare systems should acknowledge its value by reimbursing follow-up care and the technology itself

Troponin POCT in the emergency cardiac pathway

Shortening the time to treatment saves lives and increases efficiency

Handheld diagnostics in interventional cardiology

The evolution of point of care laboratory analyses will allow the delivery of a more rapid, error-free and cost-effective monitoring process for interventional cardiology patients

Bioresorbable coronary scaffold systems

Bioresorbable scaffolds have shown promising results when implanted in simple lesions. New generation platforms are eagerly expected to challenge the signals of increased scaffold thrombosis

Management of patient outcomes after TAVI

Despite the clear advantages, TAVI is a high risk procedure. This article discusses the management of patients post-TAVI and the outcomes associated with the procedure

Extra catch with neonatal screening for CCHDs

Apart from critical congenital heart defects, other significant pathology can be detected and treated at an early stage. Universal screening guidelines applying to all countries are difficult to establish

Cost-effectiveness of remote ischaemic conditioning

A single application of remote ischaemic conditioning in myocardial infarction patients results in significant cost savings


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

Emergency and Critical Care

Supraventricular tachycardia: REVERT trial

This article outlines a recent randomised controlled trial of a modified Valsalva manoeuvre for the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia

Early detection of sepsis

Biomarkers and biomolecular techniques as an aid for clinical decision-making in the rapid diagnosis of sepsis are discussed in this article

Flu readiness and control of infection in ICUs using patient-dedicated blood gas analysis

Use of a new patient-dedicated blood gas analyser could aid transmission control and enhance workflow in intensive care units, particularly when under pressure during outbreaks of winter influenza

Resuscitation training in school curricula

Cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death and neurocognitive impairment worldwide. To improve survival and neurological outcome, early initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is essential

Improving the quality of older people’s care in EDs

This paper aims to address the issue of understanding, planning and improving the quality of care for older people in emergency departments (EDs) across Europe

Airway management in the obese

Obesity poses a growing challenge to healthcare worldwide, which apart from increasing the risk for diverse medical conditions can have serious implications for airway management and ventilation in anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

Benefits of POCT in emergency medicine

This article explores the potential application of rapid access to diagnostic services to improve patient outcomes and service efficiency in emergency medicine

Potential to improve diagnostic process and treatment pathways

Philips’ cardiology expertise delivers Troponin I point-of-care test in the acute care setting

Facilities management

Improving safety and health in healthcare

In the current climate of significant demographic and economic change, we need to improve quality of care by focusing on the safety and health of healthcare workers

Waste disposal in healthcare and effects on AMR

Improper waste disposal in healthcare facilities and other hotspots can contribute to the global proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria

Sound effect on people: good or bad?

For many years research has shown the need for optimum room acoustics in healthcare premises. Staff and patients suffer when surfaces are hard and reflect the sound again and again and…

Energy saving in health care: why, who and how?

Reducing energy demand and associated carbon emissions may not only help the budget but also contribute to the health of current and future populations: an overview of strategies


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

Nosocomial-acquired Legionella infections

To reduce the risk of Legionella for hospitalised patients, guidelines and disinfecting procedures have been proposed; we should use those consistent with the level of contamination and the building and water network characteristics

Hospital noise

In the current climate of demographic and economic change, we need to improve quality of care by focusing on the safety and health of healthcare workers

Oncology and Haematology

Improving cancer care: treatment management

Increased focus and investment in cancer care has brought to the forefront the necessity of multidisciplinary teams and a reform in the processes involved in delivering safe patient-centred care

Urine FISH for detection of urothelial cancer

Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) can identify urothelial carcinoma cells naturally exfoliated into the urine and its clinical use constitutes both a surveillance tool and an accurate diagnostic assay

The management of cutaneous melanoma

More than 900 adults aged under 35 are diagnosed with melanoma annually in the UK. Here, we address areas where there is uncertainty or variation in practice and provide advice on managing vitamin D levels

Treatment of peritoneal surface malignancies

Cytoreductive surgery in combination with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy as multimodal treatment strategy for peritoneal surface malignancies is discussed

ESMO CPGs for primary breast cancer

This article describes the idea behind and principles of the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines and presents a summary of the 2015 guidelines on diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of primary breast cancer


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

Automated red cell exchange transfusions in sickle cell disease

This article outlines the evidence and our own centre experience of automated red cell exchange transfusions in sickle cell disease

PCC and reversal of oral anticoagulation

When faced with a patient with life-threatening bleeding, the anticoagulant effect needs to be reversed as soon as possible. The benefits of prothrombin complex concentrates are discussed

IT and Communications

Big data to support hospital pharmacy

The purpose of this paper is to explore how big data may be utilised to support a better hospital pharmacy service and current limitations of big data in framing their potential benefits

Patient information: from hospitals to GPs

This case study details how the removal of paper is making a difference to the flow of crucial information

Connecting donors and doctors in a digital world

NHS Blood and Transplant is an organisation committed to making the most of digital technologies to support innovation and connect doctors, donors and hospitals more effectively


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

Digitalising emergency care – the critical role of IT

The electronic medical record plays a key role in improving the emergency department workflow, so this article highlights some clear benefits and key points to be taken into account

The TIGER Initiative

Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) works to advance the integration of health informatics by enabling the use of informatics and technology to improve patient care while fostering a learning health system

Pathology and Diagnostics

Managing a point-of-care testing blood gas service

The central laboratory at University Medical Center Utrecht manages the point-of-care testing programme, and the i-STAT® System plays a critical role in this large teaching hospital

Digital networking across North Wales

The use of technology has overcome significant challenges in the modernisation of pathology services across North Wales, particularly in respect of geographical constraints and population base

Biobanking concepts at the hospital

There are many basic requirements for hospital-integrated biobanks. Implementing them into clinical routine is challenging but offers tremendous possibilities for precision medicine

Next-generation sequencing technologies

Next-generation sequencing technologies are being used in clinical applications to identify circulating DNA and RNA in an effort to diagnose and define disease

Use of the CEREBRO specimen tracking system in histology

This article provides an overview of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s experience using the CEREBRO Specimen Tracking System (Leica Biosystems) in Cellular Pathology services

Immune-monitoring in kidney transplantation

The use of novel immune-monitoring tools enabling an accurate knowledge of antigen-specific cellular immune responses against donor or viral antigens opens a new perspective in the field of diagnostics of organ transplantation

Capillary electrophoresis in the clinical laboratory

Capillary electrophoresis is a powerful analytical tool, and the next generation of instruments will further integrate the advantages and high quality of separation techniques into the medical laboratory

Automating the cytogenetics process

Automation has has brought about many benefits at the cytogenetics laboratory of an Italian regional hospital

MALDI-MSI: a powerful tool in cancer research

Mass spectrometry imaging is a label-free method that allows the simultaneous investigations of hundreds of molecules in tissue


More than 70% clinical decisions are based on a diagnostic test; however, the biomedical scientists who provide this essential service remain invisible.


Stenting for long-term stroke prevention

The International Carotid Stenting Study has recently reported that in the long-term, functional outcome and risk of fatal or disabling stroke are similar for stenting and endarterectomy

Spasticity and walking impairment in MS

Current drug developments add to improvements of multiple sclerosis-related symptoms and symptom-related burden of disease

Management of Alzheimer’s disease

Treatment options and considerations for the ongoing management of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and the estimated and fragmentary cost burden on the healthcare economy in the UK are discussed


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

A novel therapy for high-grade glioma

The concept of tumour treating fields is unique in the treatment of high-grade glioma in that it addresses tumour cell division using a novel physical concept

A novel therapy for cluster headache

Stimulation of the sphenopalatine ganglion has emerged as a promising therapeutic option in cluster headache, with a documented significant effect and a well-tolerated safety profile

Clinical, Nursing and patient care

Nurses’ role in robotic surgery

This article discusses the role of nurses in robotic surgery and the challenges and opportunities for these healthcare professionals

Overcrowding in the emergency department

This article describes why nurses are indispensable in the battle against overcrowding in a Dutch emergency department

Managing chemotherapy extravasations in practice

Chemotherapy extravasations are a known potential risk associated with chemotherapy administration and one that professionals must know how to minimise, recognise and manage appropriately

Phosphate binders in chronic kidney disease

Hyperphosphataemia is common in the late stages of chronic kidney disease and use of intestinal phosphate binders is required


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

Minimally invasive ECCO2R support

Low flow extracorporeal CO2 removal devices are intended as an efficient and safe adjunct or possible alternative to mechanical ventilation in acute reversible hypercarbic respiratory failure

New challenges for nurse specialists in the EU

Nursing specialisation standards are needed in free border European Union

Pharmacy and Therapeutics

PCC and reversal of oral anticoagulation

When faced with a patient with life-threatening bleeding, the anticoagulant effect needs to be reversed as soon as possible. The benefits of prothrombin complex concentrates are discussed

The clinical pharmacist and management of CF

This article highlights the essential and varied role of clinical pharmacists as part of the cystic fibrosis (CF) multidisciplinary team

Erectile dysfunction: treatment options

This article reviews the current status of the ongoing research aiming to find a curative, rather than a symptomatic, treatment option for erectile dysfunction

Medicines management in the perioperative period

Appropriate management of patients’ long-term medicines in the perioperative period leads to reduced complications linked to co-morbidities and improved patient outcomes

Clinical practice and challenges in HIV

Management of HIV patients has moved to a more comprehensive approach in which pharmacists can have a key role due to their knowledge, abilities and accessibility


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis

Printing technologies and tailored dosing

New printing technologies offer innovative solutions for personalised medicine and tailored dosage forms to meet the needs of individual patients

Radiology and Imaging

Advanced visualisation for efficiency in radiology

Standardisation of postprocessing in radiology is a task for the next decade

Cooperation: high resolution is the solution

Large format, high resolution displays have been adopted at the radiology department of a cutting-edge Swiss hospital

Bariatric gastric embolisation for obesity

Basic considerations, patient selection and potential indications for treatment with bariatric gastric embolisation were the topics explored at a symposia held at CIRSE 2015

Endoscopic devices for diagnosis and treatment

This article describes the latest endoscopic technology to support high precision diagnosis and treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

The evolution of clinical optoacoustic imaging

This review explains the fundamental principles of Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) and potential applications addressing unmet clinical needs

Drug-eluting devices in supra-aortic lesions

Endovascular treatment of stenotic lesions of supra-aortic vessels is widely accepted valid alternative to thromboendarterectomy both for the anterior and the posterior circulation

Which injection protocol to use for cardiac CT imaging?

Intra-luminal contrast enhancement is crucial in cardiovascular imaging to ensure reliable diagnostic accuracy

Theatre and Surgery

Multilevel degenerative cervical disc surgery

The aim of this study was to compare clinical and radiological outcomes of patients operated on for multilevel DCDD either by single- or two-stage ‘hybrid surgery’ combining cervical arthroplasty and osteosynthesis

Latest developments in intravascular robotics

With increasing complexity in endovascular surgical techniques, catheter-based robotic systems offer a solution with improved precision and reliability, as well as radiation reduction

Towards restoring vision without glasses

Implantation of multifocal IOLs and planned monovision offer freedom from glasses after cataract surgery that is a highly desirable outcome and important characteristic of the quality of life today

Novel treatment of spinal compression fractures

Image-guided percutaneous vertebra augmentation procedures can sufficiently treat pain and offer consolidation in cases of osteoporotic, metastatic and acute stable traumatic fractures

The evolution of robotic surgery

The robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one that is programmable by a computer

Virtual reality training for robotic surgery

With the exponential growth of laparoscopic robotic surgery, the need for competence-based training curricula for residents, fellows and surgeons is increasing rapidly

‘‘Helping more patients with optimised resources to provide a better service’’

Medtronic Integrated Health SolutionsSM supports health providers to optimise costs and outcomes, generating higher value and patient satisfaction

Navigation bronchoscopy

This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis


This article discusses how to reach deep into the lung by combining real-time 3D modelling, GPS and virtual reality to bring suspected cancer closer to diagnosis
