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World MS Day

Today, 29th May, 2013, Novartis joins the global multiple sclerosis (MS) community in celebration of World MS Day by launching a new campaign and participating in initiatives that encourage information and experience exchange around MS.

Novartis is committed to supporting the MS community through these initiatives, in addition to delivering and researching innovative treatments to help address the high unmet medical needs of people with MS at every stage of the disease.
World MS Day was created by the Multiple Sclerosis International Foundation (MSIF) in 2009 to raise global awareness of MS and its impact on approximately 2.5 million people with MS around the world.[1,2] This year’s World MS Day campaign focuses on young people; MS is normally diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40,[3] but can also occur earlier in life. This diagnosis can be devastating at a time when young people may be starting careers and making plans for the future.
“Novartis proudly supports World MS Day, and we recognise and support the importance of creating dialogue amongst people with MS and the wider community to help create an environment of understanding,” said David Epstein, Head of the Pharmaceuticals Division of Novartis Pharma AG. “As a leader in the field of MS, we are not only committed to hosting initiatives that foster this dialogue exchange, but also to ensuring that people with MS have the appropriate care and support to manage their disease.”
MS and:Our Story
Novartis is proud to introduce MS and:Our Story, an interactive online campaign launched today which aims to capture the inspiring real-life stories of the MS community to increase awareness of MS and the unique experiences of those living with the disease. The campaign consists of a series of four animated films that chronicle the lives of people with MS and those who help care for them. The films are hosted on a dedicated website,, and can also be accessed through links on Twitter and Facebook.
From now until the end of August, the global MS community will also have the opportunity to submit their personal story on for the chance to have it produced into an animated video featured on the website. More information about the campaign, including how to submit MS stories and key timings, can be accessed at
  1. Accessed April 2013
  2. Multiple Sclerosis International Federation. Atlas of MS [online]. Available at:  Accessed April 2013
  3. Accessed April 2013
