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Surgery cancelled due to norovirus

A health trust has had to cancel surgical procedures at two hospitals following an outbreak of diarrhoea and vomiting that affected a total of 14 wards.

The Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust said that the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch and the Worcestershire Royal Hospital in Worcester had both seen a “steady increase” in the number of people with diarrhoea and vomiting.

Both hospitals had to cancel surgery due to cases of illness, some of which include the infectious norovirus.

John Rostill – the trust’s chief executive, said: “We strongly advise people to think twice before visiting family and friends and to do so only if it is essential.

“If they have to visit then they will need to wash their hands with soap and water as they enter and leave the ward and also use the hand gel.

“Using the hand alcohol rub on its own is not sufficient to kill these particular germs.

“If you come into hospital with diarrhoea and vomiting there is an increased risk of infection to patients who are already unwell and to the staff who are caring for them.”

All patients due to have elective surgery will be informed by telephone of the cancellations.

Copyright PA Business 2008

Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Your comment: (terms and conditions apply)

“I really don’t understand why there is such transmission of this virus as hospitals never used to have such a problem. Yes, they did have outbreaks of diarrhoea and vomiting but that was contained rapidly. Do people not care about washing their hands with soap and water anymore? I have to tell my grandchildren to wash their hands before eating as it is not being passed onto them through their mother or school teachers. More soap and hot water and not visiting anyone whilst infected, would stop these problems. I just don’t think people care enough.” – Jenny Furber, Malvern, UK
