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SRC to deliver Trust wide digital dictation and document creation platform

SRC, the leading provider of digital dictation and voice recognition solutions to NHS Trusts, today announced that they are deploying a Trust wide digital dictation solution at Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust, the birthplace of the NHS.

The SRC solution, based upon WinScribe digital dictation technology, is being deployed to more than 200 users to accelerate document creation times.
Vincent Doyle, Project Leader at T rafford Healthcare NHS Trust said: “SRC have an impressive track record and the solution is straightforward, functionally rich and automates many time consuming processes. Before making our selection we visited other Trusts and were impressed at how SRC have eliminated typing backlogs, improved document turnaround times and provided rapid returns on investment. Importantly SRC’s solution and implementation services enable the Trust to provide a unified method for creating documents across the entire Trust.”
Regardless of location clinicians now have the ability to automatically transfer dictations to typists using the solutions unique workflow facility, rather than handing over tapes full of dictations for transcription. As a result, it will reduce the time taken for dictations to reach a typist.  Users will also have comprehensive visibility of work loads and typists will work in teams to access a depository of di c tations from across the Trust and so complete work much more efficiently than before.
“SRC are providing us with a platform that has the capability to streamline document creation processes now and in the future inline with our own targets and Department of Health targets. This project is a major component of our overall IT strategy as we move away from paper based workflows. SRC are the right choice for us and we are confident that the solution will quickly reduce document creation times and enable same day transcription and document distribution as it has done at other Trusts we have visited,” added Vincent Doyle.
SRC will provide both Philips desktop and portable recording devices with the solution as well as professional services including, project management, implementation, training and ongoing support.
Commenting on the latest Trust wide digital dictation contract win, Chris Hart, CEO at SRC said: “We are excited that so many leading Trusts, like Trafford Healthcare, are turning to SRC for their document creation solutions. This latest contract win reinforces our market leadership position. With our distinct range of solutions, which include digital dictation, speech recognition, document creation as well as integrations into hospital PAS, EPR and other systems, we are delivering solutions that enable Trusts to meet demanding patient care targets whilst providing excellent economic value.”
SRC have now deployed digital dictation and voice recognition solutions to numerous NHS Trusts including Trust wide roll outs at, the Dudley Group of Hospitals, Chesterfield Royal, University Hospitals of Leicester, Brighton and Sussex, Royal West Sussex and many more.
