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SRC selected for digital dictation and speech recognition

SRC today announced that they have won a competitive tender under the Yorkshire and Humber framework agreement to deploy digital dictation and speech recognition at University Hospital of South Manchester (UHSM), a major acute teaching hospital trust.

In what is the first major contract to be awarded following a competitive mini-tender process under the framework agreement, SRC will work with the Trust to improve document turnaround times and derive substantial benefit from the solutions.

The solution SRC will deliver uses WinScribe digital dictation and workflow technology together with integrated speech recognition capability.

The decision to award the contract to SRC followed UHSM’s intensive and in-depth assessment of all six of the digital dictation systems and suppliers available under the Yorkshire and Humber framework agreement.

Speaking about selecting SRC, Mark Blakeman, Director of Informatics at UHSM said: “We assessed all of the offerings under the framework and both SRC and the WinScribe system came out on top. Through the site visits we undertook and our
contact with SRC, we could see good levels of customer service leading to some very impressive results. This was vital to us as we look to significantly improve the time and efficiency of our document creation processes.”

Mark continued: “SRC have offered us a comprehensive training and support package, which, as we could see from visiting other Trusts, will provide users and managers with the knowledge and support necessary to make the digital dictation and speech recognition deployment a real success.”

The solution includes integration with the Trust’s IPM PAS (Patient Administration System) that will enable patient and hospital information to be automatically populated into Microsoft Word templates, saving typists additional time on each dictation they transcribe.

NHS Trusts both large and small have discovered the benefits of the SRC solution.

Within the North West region, Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust, Mid-Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have chosen to deploy WinScribe digital dictation solutions supplied by SRC.

Chris Hart, SRC’s CEO added: “We are delighted that UHSM chose SRC as their preferred supplier for digital dictation and speech recognition. Our solutions, together with our track record for successful deployment and, where appropriate, integration with existing clinical and administration IT systems, enables NHS trusts to make a real impact upon document creation efficiency and document creation timescales.

SRC is a trusted partner to its clients, helping them drive business performance and enabling valuable staff time to be spent away from document creation and on more patient care orientated tasks and initiatives.”

