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Sponsored: ZOLL RescueNet CodeNet for data insights to improve patient care

Delivery of high-quality CPR is the cornerstone of all efforts to improve outcomes from sudden cardiac arrest. Debriefing is considered to be an essential component of every cardiac arrest resuscitation effort. Performing quantitative, focused debriefings that look at aspects such as chest compression rate and depth during CPR are critical – studies have shown that high-quality CPR is linked to survival to discharge.

At ZOLL® Medical Corporation, our RescueNet® CodeNet system allows for easy, secure debriefing of resuscitation events. RescueNet CodeNet combines two essential tools for event debriefing and code data documentation – RescueNet CaseReview and RescueNet CodeWriter.

Simplified data collection

RescueNet CaseReview collects, analyses, and manages code data to improve accuracy and simplify debriefing. With the push of a button, files from ZOLL’s R Series®, X Series®, and ZOLL AED 3® BLS defibrillators can be sent to secure servers using the hospital’s WiFi network. Accurate robust data that’s needed to complete the performance-focused, data-driven debriefing after every adult and paediatric cardiac arrest can be immediately accessed from any device in ZOLL’s browser-based CaseReview software.

The CPR Summary Report, included in CaseReview, provides at-a-glance CPR quality
for individual codes. It can be accessed, saved, emailed, and printed in minutes. It can also be used with code teams immediately after a code
to help facilitate data-driven hot debriefs of the resuscitation event.


CaseReview can also provide trend reports on resuscitation events. These reports can be created through customised tags to review trends by patient type (that is, paediatric versus adult), co-morbidity, department where the code occurred, or even by the time of day or week that the code occurred. A detailed file can be exported into Microsoft® Excel for a deeper dive into data analytics.

Hot or cold

Performance-based debriefing should be conducted after sudden cardiac arrest. Debriefing is a critical component for continuous quality improvement (CQI) programs for resuscitation.

‘Hot’ debriefing is usually held very shortly after the resuscitation event and is key to the CQI process. Hot debriefing allows for quick review of actions and interventions while recollections are fresh. This quick, post-event review, conducted with all team members still present when minor details are still maintained, can immediately influence future events.

‘Cold’ debriefing is most beneficial when defibrillator and CPR data are available for review. Cold debriefing allows for comprehensive data availability, adequate time for the debrief review, and valuable discussion time. Debriefing in this group setting allows staff to discuss what occurred and process events, as well as put forward plans for improving protocols.

Simplified data documentation

Documenting a code requires immediate, accurate recording of critical information. Under the stress of the code, capturing key data can be challenging, resulting in inaccuracies due to:

  • Illegible hand-written documentation via paper and pen
  • Misspelled words and incorrect medication doses
  • Lack of experience – particularly if the documenter is not ACLS-trained
  • Varying documentation formats.

The ZOLL RescueNet CodeWriter documenter is an easy-to-use application for mobile phones or tablets that simplifies code data documentation. Documentation events captured from CodeWriter is merged with the defibrillator data to provide a complete code record.

When used with CaseReview, Codewriter not only captures essential code events, but also helps ensure documentation accuracy with options such as CPR timers, vitals, and key event buttons. Simply launch the app and tap the Start New Code button to get started.

CPR knowledge is CPR power

Many factors influence survival from sudden cardiac arrest – co-morbidities such as heart disease, renal insufficiencies, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
are just some of the many factors.
Even when a code team performs at their
very best, there are factors that are too great
to overcome. Knowing where the team was successful during the code and where there was room for improvement leads to better care in
the future.

Copyright ©2019 ZOLL Medical Corporation. All rights reserved. RescueNet, R Series, X Series, ZOLL AED 3,
and ZOLL are registered trademarks of ZOLL Medical Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Asahi Kasei is a registered trademark of Asahi Kasei Corporation. All other trademarks are the property
of their respective owners.
