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Laser treatment opt out criticised

Government plans to deregulate some cosmetic laser treatments have been met with opposition by more than 30 patient and medical bodies.

The group of organisations signed a joint letter to Health Minister Ben Bradshaw calling on him to cease plans to remove non-surgical laser treatments from healthcare regulations.

Laser therapy is used on lines, wrinkles, scars and damaged skin to smooth appearance. It can also be used for hair removal as well as treating birthmarks and removing tattoos.

The Department of Health has published a consultation on the partial deregulation of some types of laser and light technologies.

The groups, including consumer association Which?, the British Association of Dermatologists and the Royal College of Nursing, believe the Government has underestimated the financial impact of the changes on the NHS and the cosmetic treatment industry.

Which? said the numbers of people receiving burns and skin damage would more than double if deregulation was introduced.

Which? health campaigner Jenny Driscoll said: “The opposition to this Government plan is across the board. This unique group has joined forces to tell the minister to seriously take heed of the warnings from patient groups, health experts and the cosmetic industry.

“We believe the Government figures underestimate the impact of deregulation. There are concerns that if their plan goes ahead, standards will drop and more people will be harmed, with the NHS left to pick up the bill.”

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Your comments (Terms and conditions apply):

“No. I am a Medical Aesthetic Practitioner with 10 years experience. I practise safe use of lasers and my experience enables me to treat medical problems and skin types so as not to cause adverse reactions or major problems to the client.” – Sarah Williams, Sussex, UK
