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Are you a regular bathroom goer?

The hospital warns that if you visit the bathroom regularly at night, then it could be a sign of prostate problems.  To help treat the issue the hospital is offering a new treatment called UroLift.

Consultant Urologist Mr John McCabe from Spire Liverpool Hospital said: “Nearly a quarter of all men in Europe have problems with Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia (BPH), essentially an enlarged prostate gland. BPH is one of the most common causes of continence issues, an issue men don’t like to talk about but one that can be easily treated.”

As men get older their prostate gland enlarges, this has the effect of constricting the urethra  (the outflow pipe from the bladder) and can cause a number of problems ranging from a decreased urinary stream to an increased frequency and urge to visit the toilet. It can be associated with erectile dysfunction in some men.  

John McCabe said: “Prostate enlargement can cause a range of physical problems and issues which men often fail to seek medical advice for either through embarrassment or because they fear it is a sign of something more serious, like cancer.  However, benign prostate enlargement is extremely common.”

Spire’s new UroLift treatment can help with some of the symptoms experienced with BPH.

John said: “UroLift is a revolutionary new treatment which essentially lifts the enlarged prostate out of the way so it no longer compresses the urethra.  It works by using a needle to place a tiny implant between the urethra and the prostate, moving them apart.  Because it involves no cutting, heating or removal of the prostate, it means the treatment can be done in a day and there is very little post operative recovery time, with patients seeing results in as little as 2 weeks. Traditional surgical procedures and indeed medical treatments can result in significant sexual dysfunction, the UroLift treatment appears to have a significant advantage in this respect and offers an important new treatment option.”
