Best-in-class diagnostics that make a measurable difference to the management of patients with rheumatic diseases

The challenge of the rheumatic disease patient
The often-vague and overlapping symptoms of early rheumatic disease can make differentiation challenging,1 leading to an average time to diagnosis of 6-42 months, disease dependent.2-8 Delays in diagnosis are associated with poorer patient outcomes,9-17 so clinically relevant, reliable testing is vital from the beginning. Since rheumatic disease patients carry an increased risk of comorbidities, including other autoimmune conditions, cardiovascular disease and malignancy,18-20 early intervention is key.21-25
Early, accurate diagnosis can help reduce the burden on the healthcare system
When patients suffer from non-specific symptoms such as fatigue and arthralgia, tests for anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) by indirect immunofluorescence or solid phase ANA screens, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies, and rheumatoid factor (RF) are commonly requested.26
However, testing is fallible; depending on the marker, 5-50% of these tests may provide false positive results. This can lead to further testing, avoidable referrals, misdiagnosis, inappropriate management, and even lawsuits.27-35 Given that up to 70% of medical decisions are based on results of testing for diagnostic markers,36-39 and that approximately 15% of medical cases in developed countries are misdiagnosed, leading to substantial costs,40-44 it is vital that test results are reliable.

When you get an EliATM test result, you can trust it to help you make the right clinical decision – leading to better patient outcomes
EliATM rheumatic disease tests* have been shown consistently to provide the most clinically accurate results, when compared with alternative tests,45-57 meaning:
- The high sensitivity, even for difficult-to-detect autoantibodies such as Ro,58 ensures that you detect a comparable number of patients
- The superior specificity of EliA rheumatic disease tests* minimises the number of false positives – potentially reducing avoidable investigations and treatment
- You can correctly diagnose patients sooner, ensuring they receive the best management during the window of opportunity, and improving outcomes
What are the benefits of using EliATM tests?
Outstanding quality
- EliA best-in-class tests45-57
- Results when you need them – PhadiaTM Laboratory Systems have outstanding reliability49
- Proven reproducibility – demonstrated across >4,800 laboratory systems installed worldwide49
Cost savings
EliA tests support an early, accurate diagnosis, which can help to minimise:
- Follow-up costs associated with misdiagnoses
- Avoidable treatments
- Avoidable emergency care
- Risk of malpractice lawsuits

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*EliA rheumatic disease tests include: EliA CTD Screen, EliA SymphonyS, EliA CTD Single Parameters, EliA CCP, EliA RF isotypes, EliA Cardiolipin, EliA β2-Glycoprotein I, EliA PR3S, EliA MPOS , EliA GBM