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NICE to produce rapid COVID-19 guidelines

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is developing a series of rapid guidelines with NHS England/Improvement on the active management of patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19, and in patients without COVID-19, in a number of clinical areas.

The first three guidelines, which will be completed this week, cover the management of patients in critical care, the management of patients who are having kidney dialysis and the management of patients who are receiving systemic anticancer treatments.

Further guidelines will be announced in due course but are likely to include: symptom management; patients receiving radiotherapy; and patients with rheumatoid arthritis. NICE will publish new guidelines each week until the full set has been completed.

NICE will make the guidelines accessible on its website so that health systems around the world can see the approach the UK is taking. NICE guidelines are already used, with permission, around the world and NICE will respond quickly to requests to do so with these new publications.

The guidelines are being produced in collaboration with NHS England/Improvement and a cross-specialty clinical group, supported by the specialist societies and Royal Colleges.
