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NICE publishes recommendation for everolimus in final draft guidance

Novartis has announced that NICE has recommended Afinitor® (everolimus) in its final draft guidance for the treatment of well- or moderately-differentiated unresectable or metastatic neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) of pancreatic origin in adults with progressive disease.

NICE also recommended Afinitor for the treatment of well-differentiated (grade 1 or grade 2) non-functional unresectable or metastatic NETs of gastrointestinal or lung origin in adults with progressive disease.1 The NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance, the final step within the NICE approval process, is scheduled for publication in June 2017 and will be available via the NICE website.

Everolimus targets mTOR, a protein that acts as an important regulator of tumour cell division, blood vessel growth and cell metabolism.1 Clinical data have established the role of mTOR in the development and progression of several types of tumours, including renal cell carcinoma and breast cancer for which it is already available in the UK.1 Everolimus has now been proven to slow progression of NETs of GI, lung or pancreatic origin and is the first mTOR inhibitor available in the UK for the treatment of this disease.2

NETs are tumours that develop in the cells of the neuroendocrine system and can be found in different organs, such as bowel, stomach or lungs.1 NETs are unpredictable and complex to treat, with multiple specialties involved in the management of this disease. This recommendation means that patients now have access to a targeted therapy treatment and recognises the positive effect Afinitor can have on delaying disease progression for this group of patients.

Barak Palatchi, General Manager Novartis Oncology UK & Ireland said: “We are pleased that NICE has recognised the value Afinitor brings to patients with a rare form of cancer. Our ongoing collaboration with NICE highlights our commitment to ensuring patients have access to much needed treatments.” 

Neuroendocrine tumours have a unique genetic make-up and ideally patients need to have an individualised approach to treatment options to ensure the best outcomes. Historically there have been few licensed treatment options available to GI and pancreatic NET patients and inadequacies in treatment options for lung NET patients, so the availability of targeted treatments such as Afinitor for these patients is positive news,” said Catherine Bouvier, CEO, NET Patient Foundation.


  1. NICE MTA ID858. Accessed May 2017
  2. Macmillan. Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs). Available at: (accessed May 2017)